Warhammer Dice Roller
Complete the fields with appropriate numbers:
ATTACKS - how many attacks you are making,
TO HIT - what's your "to hit" value (Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill),
TO WOUND - what's your "to wound" value (compare Strength vs. Toughness),
SAVE - what's your target's total save value (this should include any
Armour Penetration)
Clicking the appropriate ROLL button generates random results based on
your inputs. Remember that you cannot generate wounds without successful
hits, nor saves without successful wounds.
The dice icons display how many of the corresponging die were the result
of your roll. The text below informs how well you rolled.
After rolling, clicking the appropriate RE-ROLL button replaces all the
ONES or all the FAILED results with new random values in the corresponding
section. Remember to do your re-rolls before moving on to the next
Provided a Damage 1 weapon was used and the target is benefiting from a
Feel-No-Pain type save, clicking the 5+ or the 6+ buttons will determine
how much damage remains to be allocated.